Tuesday, August 30, 2011


It hit me like a ton of bricks today. When I veer from my healthy habits, my waste expands...no pun intended. I just happened to pay attention to the kitchen wastebasket when I threw away something after lunch. No, I am not going to air my dirty laundry, I am too ashamed of how I have been the last few days, but just the visible items told the story. IF, if I had been eating appropriately, lots of the fresh vegetables and fruits that I really do love and love the way they make me feel, I would have little to no trash in that can. My compost would be slightly bigger, but that all comes back to me. I have been eating and worse, feeding my family, quick, sugary, salty, chemical-laced things-not food by any stretch of the imagination, that I abhor!! How modern-American of me. What in the world? And then let's step on the scale...now we can talk about waist expansion!! And what about waste of money. Does your local grocery store have "meal deals" or "deal of a meal?" And what do those normally include? Our typical deal would be two frozen pizzas, a frozen "appetizer" such as wings or potato skins, ice cream or ice cream dessert and a 2-liter of cola...all for the price of $13.98! That is a savings of over $15! Come on, that is a good deal, right? Less than half-price! But what, pray-tell, could one get for $14. At another store boneless skinless chicken breasts are $1.98 per pound...I could get 7 pounds of chicken and stretch that into a good week's worth of meals! Or 7 pounds of hamburger for $1.99 at another store. Again, a week's worth of meaty meals. A box of pasta, buy one get one free, would be about about 28 boxes! Yes, that is a lot of pasta, but you see where I am going with this. And, no, these things aren't something that is super nutritional alone, but are FAR better than the one meal you can get. And the amount of fresh vegetables one could get with $14 would make such an improvement on a person's health and well-being before they were even finished!
I love food...real food...it makes in difference in how I feel, how I look, what I get accomplished and apparently, how much gas I waste hauling trash off!!

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