Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Update on Laundry Soap

Just wanted to say that I love, love, love my laundry soap. I use about 1/8 of a cup (its a scoop from something else so haven't measured exactly). And thank you, Lisa Davis, for the vinegar fabric softener tip. I don't use much, since I don't want to smell like salsa, but even about a tablespoon in the rinse cycle makes a big difference in Bruce's Carharttwork pants, both on the line and in the dryer. We have four hampers in the house, usually at least two if not all of them are full. I am pleased to say that I am down to one that I should finish tomorrow. What will I do if I get the laundry caught up...and no, you can't send me yours, nice try though. Yes, the laundry soap is part of the motivation, but really, it is probably the fact that I had to finish off the gallon ice cream so I could use the bucket to put my laundry soap in. Sugar, sugar! Luckily, it is about gone---just like the dirty clothes :)

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