Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Greenhouse and Fall Garden

It is in my hands at this point. The greenhouse. Poor, poor plants. The kids separated the dead from the 'possibly still alive' plants. Sarah and I have been watering it daily to keep it going. It is actually more of a practice thing at this point. There are houseplants and hanging baskets that I will be bringing inside, so we are keeping those going.

I started a few more vegetables for the fall garden. I am still unsure of how this southern garden works, but from what I have heard, the fall is the best garden in these parts.
I had a run in with a mouse or lizard or something wanting my cucumber and zucchini seeds. I planted extra and am keeping them domed at night.

I have planted one row of green beans and a half row of peas. Nothing yet. I am afraid it was all for naught.

I have officially transplanted zucchini and tomatoes, and traditional fall crops (broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, cabbage, etc.) into 4" pots and 6-packs.

But the garden. I am trying to figure out how to deal with the garden. It was overrun with morning glories, weeds and grass and so we mowed it all down. Now what at this point? I am considering raised beds for this time of year until winter when I can revamp it. I could be acting a little too impulsively, but I really, REALLY wanted to have something to show for this fall. So, still "considering." But I guess I am going to have to officially decide something quickly. Time isn't slowing down for me. With the extra peace and quiet time with the kids off to school, that will help my thought processes. Hmmmm???

1 comment:

Linda said...

You are going to make a great greenhouse grower, Rach, I can tell. You have it in your blood so with your sales expertise and the love of plants you'll be successful! You go girl!
Love you,