Monday, August 9, 2010

Canning Season

We did get a few tomatoes canned this season so far, but not what we had anticipated. With our being busy this summer, the lack of rain and the horrible heat, it has not been good for garden production. There is also the fact that I am still trying to learn about gardening in the South versus Midwest.

While mom was here we did have an assembly line going enough to get a few jars on our shelf.

It was wonderful to have both Jake and Sarah help in the process. Hopefully they will continue to do this with their families as well.

For now, I have mowed down the garden. As I said, with lack of attention and rain, it was an eye sore and bug haven. We are trying the late garden in the South to see how that fares. I have begun more tomato seed (along with other cooler crops) in the greehouse to see if I can get one more batch before the season is completely over. *fingers crossed*

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