I was starting to get worried. I usually get the call from the postoffice around 7 a.m. the day the hatchery says they will start shipping for that week. They made it and look really good. They are loud, eating, drinking and of course pooping on the paper on top of the straw in the brooder.

And, they are colorful--not boring at least I knew what kind they were. On of my friends who is what I would call an expert regarding chickens, mentioned it might take weeks to months before I figured out what kinds I have. I will chock it up to another lesson in patience. Of course, I have already made some highlighted question marks in my chicken hatchery magazine that shows what the chicks look like, as well as the adults. Slow learner. However, I have learned that these little critters are going to stay behind locked doors for a while. We have a good size brooder in a larger coop with screen access to air of course. So they will have plenty of room once they can hop over the brooder side into the coop until I feel comfortable letting them out. I am also hoping no snakes find their way into that side. But I will do everything in my power to protect this flock! Aren't they cute?

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