Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Beauty of Homesteading

No, I am not referring to the nature or the symbiosis of homesteading. I am referring to the physical beauty of homesteading. No, not the landscape or the animals.

The actual homesteader's superficial beauty or vanity. The beautifully manicured hands and artistically placed make-up and hair.

Okay, I think you know by now my sarcasm, right.

I think its time to go shopping...after a bath!!! (and yes, I am wuss, when I am working with the bags of soil, I use a mask so I don't blow black out of my nose for days...I guess there is some vanity after all)

1 comment:

Linda said...

Water the soil in the bag and let set for a few hours before using the soil. Works like a charm! Love you!