Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Well, this is the month we are to breed Cherry. I have a buck rag given to us by the lady who sold Cherry to us. Basically, it is a washcloth that she took and wiped down the male goat with so it has that musky smell. We are to take that and tie it to the fence and watch for Cherry to start "flirting" and flagging to alert us to her being in heat. When I see that, I will come in and call the lady who has the buck, get her there and hope for the best. After she is bred, we only have 5 months until she freshens (or gives birth). ...oh my goodness. There is so much to do in that 5 months. Read and watch You Tube on kidding to make sure I am prepared for the birth and any emergencies that might arise, get the milk house ready, make sure we have milking equipment, keep Cherry healthy and warm and happy and...oh my goodness. Am I ready for this??? Uh, no. But am I going to do it anyway??? Uh, yes...

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