Whether it be another blog, an article in a magazine or something I have seen locally, it, well, flabbergasts me sometimes. How? How can they do everything they do and have everything they have? It makes me feel inadequate from time to time in many ways; physically (I must be lazy), mentally(why didn't I think of that), fiscally (how much?). I bought a magazine recently in which there was an article describing how a few farms started and what they had for assets in the beginning. Most of them had $100,000s in the bank, 100s of acres of land paid for, and of course these amazing skills. I am not begrudging their fortunes or God-given talents, I guess I am still trying to figure out where my talents lie. Seriously, is this the majority... it can't be. It wouldn't be in a magazine if it were, right? Attitude. All in the attitude. I know those articles aren't there to make me feel inadequate. They are there for inspiration and guidance, and, yes, they even gave me hope to get to where I am and who I am now.
So, who am I? I am your average run-of-the-mill girl, grew up in the Midwest in a small town, worked since I was 16 years old, married young, had my kids early, and am still trying to make ends meet weekly with Bruce and I working full time jobs, although mine is an at-home job. I love my life and especially the direction it has now taken. It has been my dream for...it seems like forever to homestead / live on a hobby farm with my family. Unfortuantely, I did not get an early enough start, as Jake is almost 17 and Sarah is 14. I am enjoying every moment of the experience, whether its being jealous of Jake's uncanny ways with the goats-they love him and always go to him first- or Sarah's calm demeanor around the bees or mom's greenthumb or Bruce's ability to make things so simple or watch the chicken with the bug run for his life away from the other 40 chickens who want that bug and that bug only. There is always something going on to enjoy if I take the time to look. I think that takes a little practice after living in the "modern" society.
More than likely you will never see me and mine in any of those "country life" kind of magazines with pictures that take your breath away for a moment. But you will find me here in my little blog, telling you about how my day was and hoping you find some entertainment

or even some little tidbit of information you didn't know that makes you say, 'really, I didn't know that," and also those tidbits of information that make you just say, 'really' and shake your head. A great example of that is...I finally got a pair of boots and no longer have to clean the chicken coop in my Nike flip-flops...things such as that I get very excited about, you...probably not so much. But thank you for listening anyway.
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