Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Rooster's Crow

If you have ever had chickens, you know how amusing it is when the roosters try to crow, well, at first; it gets kind of annoying after a while. We all have to start somewhere, don't we?

It is actually how I feel right now. I am more of an er-er-er than a cocka-doodle-do. So many things to do, judge yourself on and find out how much you really don't know; that is annoying too. But with a little practice, patience and persistence, it will fall into place.

As summer days are getting shorter and the feel of autumn is in the air, I look back and wonder what I have accomplished. I have to remember to look at what I HAVE accomplished, not what I have NOT. I have to keep in mind, what my goal was, what my goal is and am I moving in the right direction?

Practice, patience and persistence.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Bruce and I went on probably our last real vacation for a while. The kids decided they wanted to stay home so as not to miss school and help by taking care of the animals.

The kids and animals survived just fine. Although I did have a good time, it was not the same without the kids.

We are back now and hopefully renewed mentally to get back into the swing of things. We still have to finish the goat shelter, clean out the greenhouse, butcher at least 13 roosters and order a few more for the freezer before the next month is out, fall cleanup in the garden and yard, finish the new rabbit hutch in the animal yard, etc...not to mention trying to catch up on the paying job, catching up the laundry that the kids didn't quite get to and try to create and stick to a realistic routine for the school year that doesn't have anyone in the household running down the road screaming-okay, just me. As SpongeBob would say, "I'm ready!"